
The Bucket List Family Net Worth 2022

Garret Gee and his wife Jessica met in Vladivostok, Russia where they were in a service mission. The couple didn’t start to date until the time they attended the University in Provo, Utah. While Jessica was studying Advertising, Garret was on the soccer team and focusing on building his iPhone app. Later on, he made an app which was under the company Scan, which was also cofounded by Garret and his college colleagues, Kirk Ouimet, and Ben Turley. Snapchat bought the company from them for $50million, and they got $30 million in cash and the rest as equity in Snapchat. Garret invested his part of the money and together with Jessica sold all the belongings for $50,000. Along with their three kids, Manilla, Callihan and Dorothy, they started a new journey.

The Bucket List Family Net Worth 2022

Their channel has over 1 million subscribers and over 100 million views which is impressive. They have 130,000 views per day which means that they earn $500 daily and $200,000 per year. Their estimated net worth is $80 million.

YouTubers are earning money from the advertisements that are showing while their video is on. The amount of money that they will receive depends on various factors as ad inventory, how many ads are showing, how many people skip the ads etc. Also, YouTubers can earn money from the fee that the viewers of Red Tube Premium are paying to see videos without ads. The longer they watch videos, the more money they make.

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