
Honey Boo Boo Net Worth 2021

Alana Thompson is a star size of the series series of the highest value of the boo boo honey. His mother June Thompson entered Alana in the contest since he was 3 years old. Alana made her first television appearance in the toddler & tiara series. The nickname of Honey Boo Boo Child was created by viewers. Alana did not succeed in the contest just came as high as third place. But because of his eccentric personality, TLC followed him in several episodes of toddlers & tiara. The viewers strongly criticized the care of his mother when he fed the Alana away the juice to energize him for his competition. Juice is made of red bull and mountain dew. People compare it by giving athletic steroids. June changed it by saying normal people gave their children all kinds of sugar. He has become a pop icon after youtube videos featuring Alana interviews into a viral hit.

Apart from the constant critical review, the TLC manufacturer received from documenting Alana and contestants of other children’s contest network signed Alana for its own round. In the season 1 boo boo alan paid $ 50,000 per episode. Show this document their families and their very country’s country’s lifestyle. Show Garners more than 2 million viewers per episode. In season 2 families are given a salary increase and even though the family’s salary still lives at 1,400 square feet in Georgia. From the television appearance, books, brand marketing and support for Honey Boo Boo worth $ 2 million in 2013. June states that children’s money is on an account that they cannot use up to 21 years.

Alana was born August 28, 2005 at McIntyre Georgia. He had 3 half sister, Anna, Lauryn and Jessica formed her mother’s previous relationship. Alana’s father Mike Thompson also appeared in the series. Mike and his mother Jun officially married May 5, 2013 after dating for 9 years.

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