Trending News won’t take a gaming sales piece on May 14

This Friday, May 14, Indie Game Storefront will hold the first creator day. Marketplace will forget the usual sales cuts, with 100 percent transactions every day – after taxes and payment processing fees – go directly to the creator. Effectively made Creator Day a Friday bandcamp for video games. Launched last year, this initiative has seen fans pay more than $ 52 million directly to artists and labels. “We hope to make this a regular event to give developers reasons to share and promote their works,” said about the creator of the day.

As polygon shows, has become an outlier in this industry. Since 2015, the company has used an open income distribution model that allows sellers to decide how much their income they share with the company. By default, takes a 10 percent piece of sales, but the developer can set that number anywhere between zero and 100 percent. When Friday rolls, sellers do not need to change anything in their account settings to participate in the day of the Creator. Industrial standards are 30 percent – although some companies such as EPIC and Microsoft take less substantial pieces on PCs. The income sharing model – and what a reasonable amount for platform holders to be taken from the developer – has become one of the main problems when playing in an epic legal battle that is ongoing with Apple.

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