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The best game for Nintendo Switch

Only five years ago, Nintendo was at a crossroads. Wii U languish well in third place at the console wars and, after a large enough pressure, the company made its first tentative steps into a mobile game with Miitomo and Super Mario Run. Fast forward to this day: the switch is likely on the way to being the best-selling “home console” company ever, and seven switching games have surpassed the Wii U console. Everyone comes Nintendo, then, thanks to a unique hybrid format switch and a game library that continues to grow with Very strong third party support.

However, online stores switches are not the easiest navigated, so this guide aims to help who don’t know to start their journey on the right foot. This is a game that you have to have – for now. We regularly revise and add to the appropriate list. Oh, and if you have a Switch Lite, don’t worry: every game on the list is fully supported by the portable console.

Crossing Animal: New Horizon

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the best game in this series. This streamlines many clumsy aspects of the previous game and give players a lot of motivation to continue to form their island community. As you would expect, it also looks better than the previous entry, gives you more motivation to fill your virtual homes and cabinets. Voice design reaches the comfort level of asmr brain tingling. And yes, it must have helped that the new horizon is a very calming escape from the reality when we all trapped at home in the middle of global pandemic.

Astral chain.

I was on the fence about the astral chain since the first trailer day came out until a few hours good into my playthrough. Everything feels a little too general, almost brings action games. I don’t need to worry so much, because it is one of the original titles from platinumgames, the developer behind the Bayonetta series, in recent years.

In the future where the world is under the constant attack of creatures in the field of other existence, you play as officers in special styles related to this threat. Gimmick game is you can tame these creatures to become a legion you use in battle. Meeting play with you control your character and legion simultaneously to handle greater gang waves and enemies, more challenging. As well as for battle, you will use your legion to resolve crimes and cross the environment.

The astral chain attaches tightly to the detective work loop, platforming and combat puzzles – a little too close, if I behave critically – with the game divided into several chapters that function as a chapter. This story began quite well but was quickly charged as a mashup of various trophy anime, including bends and tear ripped directly from several very famous shows and films. However, the minute gameplay is enough to get you involved through the main campaign of 20 hours or more and to the final game content that is quite significant.

Does the astral chain reach the height of Nier: Automata? No, not at all, but the battle and environment can often go beyond the game, which is said to be all of me is my favorite of this generation. Often available for under $ 50 today, it’s worth your time.


Celeste is a lot of things. This is a great platformer, but also a puzzle game. This is very punished, but also very easily accessible. It puts the gameplay above everything, but has a good story. This is a beautiful, moving and memorable contradiction, made by MattMakegames, the studio indie behind the excellent user. So, Celeste deserves to take whatever platform what you have, but the room-based level and 2D artwork that clearly makes it a fantastic game to be played while traveling while traveling.

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