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Fiesta Fortnite Fiesta promised a week of rare fish and weapons

Starting today, Epic has started the Fortnite Fish Fiesta in the Royale battle match, part of a sustainable week-week event that brings important changes to the island every seven days. This time, the player will benefit from the boost for Fortnite fisheries, including a longer duration of fishing and rare fish promises.

Although the fishermen’s hole was in Fortnite for a while, it was only during the past they had offered a variety of larger fish. If you are lucky, and assuming you use a stronger pole, you will take high weapons and rare fish, the latter offers special abilities such as producing cracks in place.

Fiesta Fortnite Fiesta will increase the opportunity to attract rare fish from fishery holes, which will offer more weapons and fish per hole than usual. Also, epic says that weapons taken from these points will be tiered at a rare or higher level, making it spot to get ideal firearms.

Pro Fue Fue, which is needed to attract more rare items of fishery holes, will also be more abundant around the island Battle Royale for next week, giving players the opportunity to quickly collect famous loading. Like other wild weeks, this will force players to adjust their strategies while helping keep things fresh.

Epic shows that this week will be the right time for players to fill their fishing collection books and to complete the legendary search of Turk. You have until May 20 at 10 am ET to take advantage of a reinforced fishing hole before the Fiesta week ends and the next wine week starts.


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