Epic has just revealed all the compensation of Batman / Fortnite comics books
So far, comics and epics DC have just released the first two of the six total comic books in the Batman / Fortnite limited series: zero point. Each problem is equipped with a digital code to redeem item Fortnite for free, but the company only reveals these items when new problems are released. Which has changed.
The first two problems of Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point has been released; The first came with the code to return Harley Quinn Skin and the second came with a code for Batman Zero Wing Glider. Epic previously registered other items as too-announced with the release of each problem.
It changed in the past few days and now we know which items will come with the next four releases: Catwoman claw claw pieces, Deathstroke Destroyer Glider, Harley Quinn Revenge Returns Bling, and Batarang Ax.
Fans who bought all six releases of comic books and unlocked all codes will also get armored Batman Zero skin. The third problem this series will be released on May 18, followed by another on June 1, and July 6. Good versions of print and digital are offered, with the last through DC Comics Universe Infinite.
Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point Series told Batman’s story after he was sucked into the island of Battle Royale Fortnite, including his efforts to regain his memory and find out how to return to Gotham City. The series lights up on several zero point stall points that are not clear in the game.